საერთაშორისო პროექტი ზემო სვანეთის ახალგაზრდებისთვის ევროპაში.ამჟამად კონკურსია , თუ პროექტი გავიდა დაფინანსდება ყველა ხარჯი. გზის ხარჯის 10% ის გარდა. მგზავრობა, დაზღვევა, ვიზა, კომუნიკაცია, ცხოვრება,კვება, ავია ბილეთები, ტრენინგები, ენის კურსები, ჯიბის ფული.
დაინტერესების შემთხვევაში შეგვეხმიანეთ ,გამოგვიგზავნეთ თქვენი CV, მისამართზე: ia.gurchiani@gmail.com
დაგეხმარებით CV -ის შევსებასა და სამოტივაციო წერილის დაწერაში.
ჩვენი პროექტის ფარგლებში www.svaneti3.blogspot.com ხელს ვუწყობთ ზემო სვანეთში რეგისტრირებულ (იქ დაბადებულ ან მუდმივად მცხოვრებ ახალგაზრდებს). იმ ახალგაზრდებმა, ვინც არ ხართ ზემო სვანეთის მკვიდრნი, შეგიძლიათ მიმართოთ სიქა-ს https://www.facebook.com/SIQA.Main
დაწვრილებითი ინფორმაცია საერთაშორისო პროექტის შესახებ
Dear All,
would like to be invoved in our future EVS project that will be submitted at the deadline October the 1st.
The theme will be in socio-educational field: social and educational services for children, youth and elderly in need . The EVS volunteers will work in kindergadens, schools, elderly houses and houses for youngsters /children with mental disabilities.
The project "Linking Generations" will be developed in Braila county during EVS stages of 8 (eight) months: 01.03.2013-31.10.2013.
Project activities are focused on two themes: developing independent life abilities (civic, social, personal) for children and young people with less Opportunities or Disabilities in order to facilitate their social integration and Promoting European values of youngpeople: free initiatives, tolerance, intercultural dialogue, solidarity.
The main methods used will be:volunteering, non-formal education methods, education through sports games.
If you want to collaborate please select two young people (a boy and a girl) to be well determined to go through this project lifelong the entire EVS stage/placement (eight months).
Waiting for CV's and ML's only from young people strongly motovated to be involved in our project during the entire EVS stage/placement (8 months)
would like to be invoved in our future EVS project that will be submitted at the deadline October the 1st.
The theme will be in socio-educational field: social and educational services for children, youth and elderly in need . The EVS volunteers will work in kindergadens, schools, elderly houses and houses for youngsters /children with mental disabilities.
The project "Linking Generations" will be developed in Braila county during EVS stages of 8 (eight) months: 01.03.2013-31.10.2013.
Project activities are focused on two themes: developing independent life abilities (civic, social, personal) for children and young people with less Opportunities or Disabilities in order to facilitate their social integration and Promoting European values of youngpeople: free initiatives, tolerance, intercultural dialogue, solidarity.
The main methods used will be:volunteering, non-formal education methods, education through sports games.
If you want to collaborate please select two young people (a boy and a girl) to be well determined to go through this project lifelong the entire EVS stage/placement (eight months).
Waiting for CV's and ML's only from young people strongly motovated to be involved in our project during the entire EVS stage/placement (8 months)